2025 Internships by Topic
As of January 24, there are 76 internships available for 2025.
Browse by topic here or view all internships listed alphabetically. Then fill out the 2025 Application Form.
- 4-H Food Preservation and Cultural and Ethnic Foods Curriculum
- Adams County 4-H Bilingual Education and Evaluation Internship
- Archiving Our Stories: The Art of Ranching and Community Partners in Routt County
- CSU SPUR UAV Summer Program Instructor Internship
- Designing and Delivering Youth Educational programs with Latinx community partners
- Designing environmental health educational programming for young people in Denver
- Educate, Create, Connect in Ag Literacy
- Fashion FUNdamentals Student Intern
- History Education for 4-H Youth through the Art of Ranching Project
- Implementation of a Virtual Reality program to teach dairy calf welfare and hygiene to rural K-12 students
- Addressing the Veterinarian Shortage in Rural Southwestern Colorado
- Agricultural Water Quality Research
- Animal Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
- Avian Health Team Internship #1
- Avian Health Team Internship #2
- Equine Extension Program Development
- Identification of efficient alfalfa mix under water limited environments
- Ignite the Spark: Delivering Agricultural-Based Artificial Intelligence Education through 4-H Youth Programming in Jefferson County
- Illuminating Colorado’s deep-time Natural Resources
- Integrated Pest Management for Organic Apples on the Western Slope
- Investigating Novel Sources of Resistance to Wheat Stem Sawfly, a Devastating Pest of Wheat
- Livestock Predation Prevention in Colorado
- Potato IPM: Enhancing Integrated Insect Pest Management Strategies for U.S. Potato Production Systems
- Production of Pulse Crops in Western Colorado
- Promoting and assessing soil health and sustainable irrigation practices for vegetable production in the Great Plains
- Returning Circles: Exploring Revegetation Pathways for Retired Croplands in the SLV
- UAVs in Multi-Disciplinary Agricultural Research and Outreach: Cutting-Edge Technology for Real World Water Challenges
- Virtual Fencing on Public Lands
- White Plum Farm – Year 2
- Do Improved Fairgrounds make Economic Sense (i.e. more cents)?: Analysis of Park, Grand and Teller County Fairgrounds
- Economic Contribution Analysis of Big Game Hunting in Rural Colorado
- Grand County History Harvest
- History of CSU in the Arkansas Valley
- Reinterpreting Rock Ledge Ranch for Youth Engagement
- The Changing Economic Contributions of Agriculture and Food in Larimer County
- Understanding the Consequences of Inadequate Access to Child Care Subsidies in Local Communities
- Alternative Crops, Alternative Markets: Climate Smart Commodities in the San Luis Valley
- Building Better Bakeries: Safety Evaluation of Gluten-Free Baked Goods in the Front Range
- Colorado Food Access Landscape Assessment
- Larimer County Farmers Market: Supporting Inclusive Community Engagement
- Salud Con-Ciencia: Advancing Health and Nutrition Education in GES Communities
- Understanding the Potential Profitability for Specialty Crops and Value-Added Activities Used in Agritourism Operations in Southwestern Colorado
- Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit for People and their Animals
- Community Assessment and Resource Mapping for Agriculture Workers in Northeastern Colorado
- Continuing to Build the Prevention Capacity of Field-Based Regional and County-level Extension Specialists
- Exploring the Intersection of Spanish Language, Culture, and Health #1
- Exploring the Intersection of Spanish Language, Culture, and Health #2
- Rural Behavioral Health Community Listening Sessions
- Advanced Agrivoltaics Research and Extension in Colorado
- Bee Conservation and Outreach Using Bee Hotels
- Blooming Knowledge: Providing Education on Edible Flowers to Northern Colorado
- Increasing Visibility and Stakeholder Engagement of CSU Trial Garden and Horticulture Center Programs
- Pollinators on Green Roofs
- Scoping the Health Benefits of Gardening
- Sustainable Landscapes and Community Outreach
- Urban Agriculture and Pollinator Activity
- Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Science Communications Internship
- Bumble Bee Ecology and Conservation in Colorado’s Front Range
- Cache la Poudre Water Quality and River Health Monitoring
- Delivering Hands-On Natural Resources Programs to Jefferson County’s Youth
- Ecological and social dimensions of climate-adaptive dryland farm management and restoration in Southwestern Colorado
- Effects of environmental change on ground squirrel population connectivity on Colorado’s western slope
- Environmental Education through a Camp Delivery Method: Become a Camp Master at ENOR Environmental Day Camp in Jefferson County
- Extension Wildlife Technician with the Routt National Forest
- Fisheries restoration in a flow-regulated river on a private ranch
- Floodplain large wood effects
- Native Bee Watch Community Science – Education and Research Internship
- One Health Approach to Research on the Navajo Nation
- Routt National Forest Range Inventory and Monitoring Project
- San Juan Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership project
- Showing the Benefit of Outdoor Exposure on Mental Health: Be a Camp Educator with ENOR Environmental Day Camp in Jefferson County
- Statewide Education and Outreach about Colorado Wolverine Reintroduction
- The effect of loss of beavers and their ponds on fine sediment transport along the Colorado River, Rocky Mountain National Park
- Urban Aquatic Ecology Summer Internship
- Ute Learning Garden
- Western Colorado Entomology Internship