a. Goal: The student intern will create an additional digital repository webpage for ten historic Colorado architectural buildings located in Central City, Colorado on the CSU-AVL website: https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/dm/programs-and-degrees/galleries-libraries-and-laboratories/architectural-virtual-library/
b. Scope: The method for obtaining this goal will be to complete one building per week over ten weeks.
c. Objectives (below):
O.1 – determine (with mentor guidance) which historic buildings to highlight on the Central City webpage;
O.2 – utilize 360 video camera capabilities to capture virtual tour content of buildings via Matterport;
O.3 – research historic building information and embed the research into the tours via Mattertags;
O.4 – integrate inclusive website principles in all webpage content;
O.5 – present to community stakeholders at the Central City end of the summer workshop.